Check the outputs of the Expert Network on Recognition of outcomes of learning periods abroad in general secondary school:

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The highly positive impact of learning mobility on youth has been proven, recognised and supported via concrete measures and programmes that demonstrate Europe’s willingness to place learning mobility high on the educational and youth agendas.
Despite this, in many Member States, mobility of pupils and of families with school-age children is hindered in practice by a poorly enabling legal framework. This means that often students need to attend one or more additional year(s) of school, once back in their home country.
EEE-YFU and EFIL initiated this campaign in 2016, in partnership with the European Parliament Youth Intergroup 2014-2019, and the support of EPA, EUROCLIO, KeyCoNet and OBESSU.
The objective of the #RecogniseStudyAbroad campaign is to raise awareness among policy-makers and educational stakeholders about the lack of recognition of long-term school mobility, and create changes by promoting concrete policy-solutions.
Since 2016, big steps have been made towards recognition of study periods abroad. This issue got high in the agenda of EU Institutions which included it as a main obstacle to overcome to establish the European Education Area by 2025. Within this framework, on 26 November 2018 the Council of the EU has adopted the Recommendation on promoting automatic mutual recognition of higher education and upper secondary education and training qualifications and the outcomes of learning periods abroad.
Thanks to this campaign, the great support of its champions - MEP Negrescu and MEP Pavel - and of the CULT Committee, the Preparatory Action on Recognise Study Abroad has been approved by the European Parliament, funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Consortium EFIL-EIESP-CESIE through the "Expert Network on Recognition of outcomes of learning periods abroad in general secondary school" for the period 2020-2021.
The final outputs developed can be accessed on the European Commission’s European School Education Platform.
The outcomes are the result of the precious contribution of an ad-hoc network led by EFIL consisting of 25 expert stakeholders from 15 EU countries, who worked in the period 2020-2021 to support the European Commission in helping Member states to advance automatic recognition.
You can now consult and access the new tools which target specifically policymakers involved in regulating individual pupil mobility and its recognition:
At the same page you can also find resources targeting school education professionals, pupils and their parents:
Advancing in the recognition of learning periods abroad is crucial to walk towards the European Education Area by 2025! We look forward to supporting any government and educational institution wishing to engage with automatic recognition.